Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim is a professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion and received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. She is the author or editor of 21 books, most recently, Spirit Life, Invisible and Intersectional Theology. Kim is a Series Editor for Palgrave Macmillan Series, “Asian Christianity in the Diaspora” and has served on the American Academy of Religion’s Board of Directors. Kim writes for Baptist News Global, Sojourners, and Faith and Leadership and has published in TIME, The Huffington Post, Christian Century, US Catholic Magazine and The Nation. She is the host of Madang podcast which is hosted by the Christian Century and is an ordained Presbyterian Church (USA) minister. Please follow her on Substack: Loving Life.
She joins us as Theologian-In-Residence and will help those who call the Passion Center their home think theologically about their work and help us explore and express our theology.
We know that some may not have ever heard of this role "in the church" so here is our explanation.
What is a Theologian-in-Residence?
A trained theologian who works to bridge the gap between the academy and the church. They bring attentiveness to the intersections of academic, activist, and ecclesial engagement. And bridge the forefront of religious scholarship and a passion for re-imagining our ordinary, common, messy life as the site of Divine encounter and revelation. The Passion Center is proud to have Grace Ji-Sun Kim as our inaugural Theologian-in-Residence.